smoking gun
Mixed messages
Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth film is out soon in Britain, but in the US some wag has countered it with a two-minute internet video called Al Gore's Penguin Army, in which the former VP appears as a sinister figure who brainwashes penguins and bores movie audiences by blaming the Iraq crisis on global warming (see it on So who made the film? It seems its author is "Toutsmith", who identifies himself as being from Beverly Hills. But computer routing information suggests strongly that he also works out of the DCI Group, a Washington lobbying firm whose clients include oil company Exxon Mobil. A DCI Group spokesman tells the Wall Street Journal it doesn't talk about its clients, and Exxon says it has nothing to do with the film. So there. -
John Vidal
Wednesday August 9, 2006 Guardian UK