Thursday, March 02, 2006


Riding up the elevator overheard a conversation that actually held my interest. Bubblegum. Preference?

I am a personal fan of the 25cent variety (although they've since upped the price to 35cents ... when the hell did that happen by the way?). Big Red and Doublemint. I dont' actually like the true bubblegum flavor, that pink cottoncandy-esqe taste is just too sweet for me to chew on while contemplating expansive philosophical thoughts (like what types of gum I like).

The "True" Bubblegum - Watermelon flavored bubblegum, they have the best "bubble" consistency when blowing. And well, I like watermelon.

High End variety - here's where it gets complicated. I do like Orbit gum. Although it's sort've like the wall street typified gum. The flavour lasts the longest and it can blow into a decent bubble. Again, cinnamon and regular ole mint.

Definitely don't like the Altoid's too stiff and almost feels like I'm chewing on a listerine tablet because the flavour is so strong. None of that fancy schmancy flavours (like ginger), just cinnamon and mint.


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