Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My first time

This is insane. It seems like ever since graduating time has just flown right by me. I've gone through relationships and loves, heartbreaks and tears, jobs and hope.

My first time with a full time job out of college ... JPMC IBHR. Started out as a temp hunting for a real job right out of college ... I ended up meeting the most amazing (and still are amazing) mentors/teachers/friends/colleagues/managers in a very short time. And in that short time I learned what HR as a function and career really is and what it could be. It's sort of like being a guidance counselor for grown-ups on their careers. Consultants if you will.

Someone once told me that I am not very good at reading people...at hey that may be true. I am probably not very good at it. That doesn't mean I still can't do well in HR though. I'm still trying to find my niche.

My team changed so much in just the past 12 months since I joined the Credit Rates team. Here's the breakdown

1st month Margaret - Lillie - Allison - Harriett - Me
2nd month Lillie - Allison - Me
5th month Allison - Me
6th month - Penny - Ruth - Denise - Tara - Allison - Me
8th month - Penny - Ruth - Audrey - Allison - Tara - Me
10th month - Penny - Ruth - Rebecca - Audrey - Tara - Me
13th month - Penny - Ruth - Rebecca - Audrey - Tara - Roxy - Me

So those are all the people I've worked with in my immediate team since I've joined this group. My role waned more than the moon ... I got to the point of absolute frustration and attempted to find a new role elsewhere in the firm. For all the talk of internal mobility there just wasn't any opportunity for me. Insider tip - to get by in any field you have to have senior support. Get someone in a position of power to talk about you ...talk loudly and proudly about you ... name droppers if you will...and you will get far in life.

I lost my name droppers when Lillie and Margaret left. From there it was absolutely down hill. Many perceive me as being this outspoken person - tough as nails. Contrary to popular belief, I am very insecure about myself, my goals, my life. I am also a pretty emotional person. Margaret and Lillie taught me it was okay to bring emotions into the work place...made you more human and endearing (part of why I loved working for them so much)

So here I am ... full circle. I just gave my 2 weeks notice tonight. I'm starting at Reuters in less than 2 weeks as an HR advisor / Event planner. For the first time in a long time I'm excited again.


At 12:26 PM, Blogger jazzy said...

I am so proud of you!!
You are going to do great...
Your old team does not realize what they are missing.
Get out there, shine, and don't forget about me. :)


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