Monday, October 23, 2006

culture clash...or lack thereof

"m sitting in Hong Kong right now...well more specifically my aunt's condo in Hong Kong. I thought the moment I stepped off the plane there would be this crazy culture schock for me.
Instead, it all feels pretty normal. It's like one big chinatown, except all the apartment buildings are more than 30 stories high. Don't expect any brownstones around here. Spent my first day hanging around kowloon and walking down Nathan's road (or lane?) and nothing.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but i didn't expect to be so comfortable around everyone who is Chinese.

As American as a lot of people thingk I am, I'm inherently chinese culture wise. I grew up Chinese, and I may not speak it very well but I understand it quite well.
It might actually be easier than I thought to pick up and move here...thank god for british colonialism for 99 years...everything is half english here. But I don't know about living in those apartment buildings...there just so..Chinese!!!!

oh and the food...Fucking AWESOME.
Tofu - holy crap... best I've ever had in kowloon.

The shopping, so far i've just been comparing prices but it's ridiculously cheap... tomorrow the real pain on my wallet begins.


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